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Undoubtedly, the master of our profession is Archimedes who said, "Give me a long enough lever and a support point, let me move the world."

The first contribution of this Sicilian genius, who lived 2200 years ago, to the engineering world is the screw conveyors and pulleys, which are still widely used today. In addition, the defensive weapons (catapults, giant mirrors burning ships, etc.) used in the defense of Sicily, which was besieged by the Romans, are Archimedes' inventions.

The most well-known story about him is that, realizing that an object immersed in water lost its own weight as much as the weight of the water it carried, it jumped out of the bathhouse shouting "eureka" (found, found) naked. Thanks to this invention, he was able to give the answer to the king of Sicily about whether his crown was pure gold or not. (Since the specific gravity of each substance is different, different objects with the same weight have different volumes. Therefore, two different objects of the same weight immersed in water carry different amounts of water.)

Another determination of Archimedes in the field of engineering is the law of leverage. As a rule, Archimedes first found that the distances to the support point and the product of the forces must be equal in order for the different forces on both sides of a support to be in balance.

Engineering was not practiced as a separate profession in the past. Those who thought about astronomy, mathematics and physics were also making inventions in the field of engineering. Archimedes was the first person to calculate the number as close to its current value for the first time. Today, even computers specially designed for this job have only been able to calculate the number of pi after the comma up to 6,442,450,000 digits. (The number of digits after 3 of the irrational pi number is infinite)

The approach Archimedes uses to calculate the number Π is quite interesting.

Arşimet determined that the ratio of the circumference of the square drawn outside a circle to the circumference of the circle should be greater than the number küçük, and the ratio of the circumference of the square drawn inside the circle to the circumference of the circle should be less than Π.For a more precise calculation, instead of the square, the number He found that the value should be between 3-10 / 70 and 3-10 / 71.



4> π> 4 / √2

4> Π> 2,828427

Archimedes is the person who found many formulas in the field of geometry. The surface area of ​​the sphere is 4 R2, and the volume is
Detection of 4/3 ΠR3 are just a few of them.

The Romans, who eventually captured Sicily, wanted to arrest Archimedes, who was working on mathematical problems, unaware that the city had fallen, but when Archimedes said that he could not go anywhere without solving the problem he was thinking about, he was killed on the spot by an enraged soldier.

Before Archimedes died, he bequeathed to his friends that a globe statue placed in a cylinder should be placed at the head of his grave when he died. This statue symbolized the following rule he found. Both the volume and surface area of ​​a sphere that fits in a cylinder are 2/3 of the volume and surface area of ​​the cylinder.